#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : imgrid.py
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email : maojiayuan@gmail.com
# Date : 01/19/2018
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Optional, List
__all__ = ['image_grid', 'auto_image_grid_mplib']
def image_grid(all_images, grid_desc):
Create a image grid given the description. The description is a list of axis desc, of format: %d[h|v].
If the first number n is a positive number, every n images will be concatenated horizontally or vertically.
We allow exactly one axis desc to be only [h|v], meaning the number of images of that axis will be automatically
all_images: A list of images. Should be np.ndarray of shape (h, w, c).
grid_desc: The grid description.
A single big image created.
axes_info = []
auto_infer_dim = len(all_images)
for d in grid_desc:
if d == 'h' or d == 'v':
axes_info.append([None, d])
assert d.endswith('h') or d.endswith('v'), d
length, axis = int(d[:-1]), d[-1]
assert auto_infer_dim % length == 0, 'Length of all_images should be divided by axes_info, ' \
'got {} and {}'.format(len(all_images), grid_desc)
axes_info.append((length, axis))
auto_infer_dim //= length
for i, info in enumerate(axes_info):
if info[0] is None:
axes_info[i] = (auto_infer_dim, info[1])
def stack(i, sequence):
axis = axes_info[i][1]
if len(sequence) == 1:
return sequence[0]
if axis == 'h':
return np.hstack(sequence)
return np.vstack(sequence)
n = len(axes_info)
def recursive_concat(i, sequence):
if i == n - 1:
return stack(i, sequence)
nr_parts = axes_info[i][0]
length = len(sequence) // nr_parts
parts = []
for j in range(nr_parts):
part = recursive_concat(i+1, sequence[j*length:(j+1)*length])
return stack(i, parts)
return recursive_concat(0, all_images)
def auto_image_grid_mplib(images: List[np.ndarray], images_title: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_title: Optional[str] = None, show: bool = True):
Automatically create a grid for the images.
images: a list of images. Should be np.ndarray of shape (h, w, c).
images_title: the title for each image.
global_title: the title for the whole image grid.
show: whether to show the image grid using plt.show().
the figure object.
n = len(images)
nr_rows, nr_cols = AUTO_IMAGE_GRID_DESC[n]
nr_cols = 5
nr_rows = (n + nr_cols - 1) // nr_cols
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nr_rows, nr_cols, figsize=(nr_cols*4, nr_rows*4))
for i, image, title in zip(range(n), images, images_title if images_title is not None else [None] * n):
ax = axes[i // nr_cols, i % nr_cols]
if title is not None:
if global_title is not None:
# Use bold font for the global title
fig.suptitle(global_title, fontweight='bold')
if show:
return fig
1: (1, 1),
2: (1, 2),
3: (1, 3),
4: (2, 2),
5: (1, 5),
6: (2, 3),
7: (2, 4),
8: (2, 4),
9: (2, 5),
10: (2, 5),