
Jacinle is a personal python toolbox. It contains a range of utility functions for python development, including project configuration, file IO, image processing, inter-process communication, etc.


Clone the Jacinle package (be sure to clone all submodules), and add the bin path to your PATH environment.

git clone https://github.com/vacancy/Jacinle --recursive
export PATH=<path_to_jacinle>/bin:$PATH

Optionally, you may need to install third-party packages specified in requirements.txt

Command Line#

  1. jac-run xxx.py Jacinle comes with a command line to replace the python command.

In short, this command will automatically add the Jacinle packages into PYTHONPATH, as well as adding a few vendor Python packages into PYTHONPATH (for example, (vacancy/JacMLDash)). Using this command to replace python xxx.py is the best practice to manage dependencies.

Furthremore, this command also supports a configuration file specific to projects. The command will search for a configuration file named jacinle.yml in the current working directory and its parent directories. This file specifies additional environmental variables to add, for example.

project_root: true  # tell the script that the folder containing this file is the root of a project. The directory will be added to PYTHONPATH.
        CUDA_HOME: /usr/local/cuda-10.0  # set needed environment variables here.
    bin:  # will be prepended to $PATH
    python:  # will be prepended to $PYTHONPATH
vendors:  # load additional Python packages (root paths will be added to PYTHONPATH)
        root: /Users/jiayuanm/opt/pybullet/utils
        root: /Users/jiayuanm/opt/alfred
  1. jac-crun <gpu_ids> xxx.py The same as jac-run, but takes an additional argument, which is a comma-separated list of gpu ids, following the convension of CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.

  2. jac-debug xxx.py The same as jac-run, but sets the environment variable JAC_DEBUG=1 before running the command. By default, in the debug mode, an ipdb interface will be started when an exception is raised.

  3. jac-cdebug <gpu_ids> xxx.py The combined jac-debug and jac-crun.

  4. jac-update Update the Jacinle package (and all dependencies inside vendors/).

  5. jac-inspect-file xxx.json yyy.pkl Start an IPython interface and loads all files in the argument list. The content of the files can be accessed via f1, f2, …

Python Libraries#

Jacinle contains a collection of useful packages. Here is a list of commonly used packages, with links to the documentation.

Indices and tables#