Source code for jaclearn.visualize.html_table

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 10/22/2018
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import shutil
import html
import collections
import os.path as osp
import json
import contextlib
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from copy import deepcopy

import as io
from jacinle.cli.keyboard import yes_or_no

__all__ = ['HTMLTableColumnDesc', 'HTMLTableVisualizer']

[docs] class HTMLTableColumnDesc(collections.namedtuple( '_HTMLTableColumnDesc', ['identifier', 'name', 'type', 'css', 'td_css'], defaults=(None, None) )): pass
[docs] class HTMLTableVisualizer(object): """A helper class to generate HTML tables. Example: >>> vis = HTMLTableVisualizer('<some_dir>', 'Visualization') >>> with vis.html(): >>> with vis.table('Table Name', [ >>> HTMLTableColumnDesc('column1', 'Image', 'image', {'width': '120px'}), >>> HTMLTableColumnDesc('column2', 'Result', 'figure' {}), >>> HTMLTableColumnDesc('column3', 'Supervision', 'text' {}), >>> HTMLTableColumnDesc('column4', 'Prediction', 'code' {'font-size': '12px'}) >>> ]): >>> vis.row(...) """
[docs] def __init__(self, visdir, title): self.visdir = visdir self.title = title self.allow_assets = True self._index_filename = None if self.visdir.endswith('.html'): self._index_filename = self.visdir self.visdir = osp.dirname(self.visdir) self.allow_assets = False self._index_file = None self._table_counter = 0 self._row_counter = 0 self._all_table_specs = dict() self._current_table_spec_stack = list()
@property def _current_table_spec(self): return self._current_table_spec_stack[-1] @property def _current_columns(self): return self._all_table_specs[self._current_table_spec_stack[-1]]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def html(self, force_overwrite: bool = False): self.begin_html(force_overwrite=force_overwrite) yield self self.end_html()
[docs] def begin_html(self, force_overwrite: bool = False): if self.allow_assets: if osp.isfile(self.visdir): raise FileExistsError('Visualization dir "{}" is a file.'.format(self.visdir)) elif osp.isdir(self.visdir) and osp.isfile(self.get_index_filename()): if force_overwrite: print('Visualization dir "{}" is not empty. Removing it.'.format(self.visdir)) shutil.rmtree(self.visdir) else: if yes_or_no('Visualization dir "{}" is not empty. Do you want to overwrite?'.format(self.visdir)): shutil.rmtree(self.visdir) else: raise FileExistsError('Visualization dir "{}" already exists.'.format(self.visdir)) io.mkdir(self.visdir) io.mkdir(osp.join(self.visdir, 'assets')) else: io.mkdir(self.visdir) self._index_file = open(self.get_index_filename(), 'w') self._print('<html>') self._print('<head>') self._print('<title>{}</title>'.format(self.title)) self._print('<style>') self._print('td {vertical-align:top;padding:5px}') self._print('pre {white-space: pre-wrap;}') self._print('</style>') self._print('</head>') self._print('<body>') self._print('<h1>{}</h1>'.format(self.title)) self._print(self.FRAMES_JS)
[docs] def end_html(self): self._print('</body>') self._print('</html>') self._index_file.close() self._index_file = None
[docs] def define_table(self, columns): spec_id = len(self._all_table_specs) self._print('<style>') for c in columns: css = {} if c.css is None else c.css self._print('.table{}_column_{}'.format(spec_id, c.identifier), '{', ';'.join([k + ':' + v for k, v in css.items()]), '}') css = {} if c.td_css is None else c.td_css self._print('.table{}_td_{}'.format(spec_id, c.identifier), '{', ';'.join([k + ':' + v for k, v in css.items()]), '}') self._print('</style>') self._all_table_specs[spec_id] = columns return spec_id
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def table(self, name, columns_or_spec_id): self.begin_table(name, columns_or_spec_id) yield self self.end_table()
[docs] def begin_table(self, name, columns_or_spec_id): subtable = len(self._current_table_spec_stack) > 0 if subtable: self._print('<tr><td style="padding-left:50px" colspan="{}">'.format(len(self._current_columns))) if isinstance(columns_or_spec_id, int): self._current_table_spec_stack.append(columns_or_spec_id) else: self._current_table_spec_stack.append(self.define_table(columns_or_spec_id)) if name is not None: self._print('<h3>{}</h3>'.format(name)) self._print('<table>') self._print('<tr>') for c in self._current_columns: self._print(' <td><b>{}</b></td>'.format( self._print('</tr>')
[docs] def end_table(self): self._print('</table>') self._current_table_spec_stack.pop() self._table_counter += 1 self._row_counter = 0 subtable = len(self._current_table_spec_stack) > 0 if subtable: self._print('</td></tr>')
[docs] def row(self, *args, **kwargs): assert len(self._current_table_spec_stack) > 0 if len(args) > 0: assert len(kwargs) == 0 and len(args) == len(self._current_columns) for c, a in zip(self._current_columns, args): kwargs[c.identifier] = a row_identifier = kwargs.pop('row_identifier', 'row{:06d}'.format(self._row_counter)) self._print('<tr>') for c in self._current_columns: obj = kwargs[c.identifier] classname = 'table{}_td_{}'.format(self._current_table_spec, c.identifier) self._print(' <td class="{}">'.format(classname)) classname = 'table{}_column_{}'.format(self._current_table_spec, c.identifier) if obj is None: pass elif c.type == 'file': link, alt = self.canonize_link('file', obj) self._print(' <a class="{}" href="{}">{}</a>'.format(classname, link, alt)) elif c.type == 'image' or c.type == 'figure': link, alt = self.canonize_link(c.type, obj, row_identifier, c.identifier) self._print(' <img class="{}" src="{}" alt="{}" />'.format(classname, link, alt)) elif c.type == 'frames': self._print_frames(row_identifier, c, obj, classname) elif c.type == 'text' or c.type == 'code': tag = 'pre' if c.type == 'code' else 'div' self._print(' <{} class="{}">{}</{}>'.format(tag, classname, html.escape(str(obj)), tag)) elif c.type == 'raw': self._print(' {}'.format(obj)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown column type: {}.'.format(c.type)) self._print(' </td>') self._print('</tr>') self._flush() self._row_counter += 1
def _print(self, *args, **kwargs): assert self._index_file is not None print(*args, file=self._index_file, **kwargs) def _print_frames(self, row_identifier, column, objs, classname): self._print('<div class="{}" style="text-align:center;">'.format(classname)) objs = deepcopy(objs) type = 'text' has_info = False for i, obj in enumerate(objs): if 'image' in obj: obj['image'] = self.canonize_link('image', obj['image'], row_identifier, column.identifier + '_' + str(i)) type = 'image' else: assert 'text' in obj if 'info' in obj: has_info = True if type == 'text': self._print(' <pre class="text">{}</pre>'.format(objs[0]['text'])) else: self._print(' <img class="image" src="{}" alt="{}" />'.format(*objs[0]['image'])) if has_info: self._print(' <pre class="info">{}</pre>'.format('Frame #0 :: ' + objs[0]['info'])) else: self._print(' <pre class="info">{}</pre>'.format('Frame #0')) self._print(' <button class="button prev" onclick="frameMove(this, -1)">Prev</button>') self._print(' <button class="button next" onclick="frameMove(this, +1)">Next</button>') self._print(' <input class="index" type="hidden" value="0" />') self._print(' <pre class="data" style="display:none">{}</pre>'.format(json.dumps(objs))) self._print('</div>') def _flush(self): self._index_file.flush()
[docs] def get_index_filename(self): if self._index_filename is not None: return self._index_filename return osp.join(self.visdir, 'index.html')
[docs] def get_asset_filename(self, row_identifier, col_identifier, ext): if not self.allow_assets: raise ValueError('Assets are not allowed. Specify a directory instead of a .html file.') table_dir = osp.join(self.visdir, 'assets', 'table{}'.format(self._table_counter)) io.mkdir(table_dir) return osp.join(table_dir, '{}_{}.{}'.format(row_identifier, col_identifier, ext))
[docs] def save_image(self, image, row_identifier, col_identifier, ext='png'): if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) filename = self.get_asset_filename(row_identifier, col_identifier, ext) return filename
[docs] def save_figure(self, figure, row_identifier, col_identifier, ext='png'): filename = self.get_asset_filename(row_identifier, col_identifier, ext) figure.savefig(filename) return filename
FRAMES_JS = """ <script src="" integrity="sha256-u7e5khyithlIdTpu22PHhENmPcRdFiHRjhAuHcs05RI=" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script> <script> function frameMove(elem, offset) { elem = $(elem); window.elem = elem; data = JSON.parse(elem.parent().find(".data").html()); index = parseInt(elem.parent().find(".index").val()); nextIndex = index + offset; if (nextIndex < 0) nextIndex = 0; if (nextIndex >= data.length) nextIndex = data.length - 1; elem.parent().find(".index").val(nextIndex); if ("image" in data[nextIndex]) { elem.parent().find(".image").attr("src", data[nextIndex]["image"][0]).attr("alt", data[nextIndex]["image"][1]); } else { elem.parent().find(".text").html(data[nextIndex]["text"]); } if ("info" in data[nextIndex]) { elem.parent().find(".info").html("Frame #" + nextIndex.toString() + " :: " + data[nextIndex]["info"]); } else { elem.parent().find(".info").html("Frame #" + nextIndex.toString()); } } </script> """