Source code for jaclearn.logic.decision_tree.rule
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email :
# Date : 01/16/2022
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
from jacinle.utils.enum import JacEnum
from typing import Sequence, List, Mapping, Any, Optional, Union
from sklearn.tree import _tree, DecisionTreeClassifier
__all__ = ['DecisionRuleFormat', 'AtomicDecisionRule', 'DecisionRule', 'extract_rule']
class AtomicDecisionRule(object):
def __init__(self, variable: Any, threshold: Optional[float], right_branch: Optional[bool] = False):
Instantiate an atomic decision rule. That is, by comparing a variable with a threshold.
- left branch: `variable <= threshold`
- right branch: `variable > threshold`
variable (str): the name for the variable.
threshold (Optional[float]): the threshold. If set to none, indicates that the variable is a boolean variable.
right_branch (Optional[bool]): the boolean indicator.
self.variable = variable
self.threshold = threshold
self.right_branch = right_branch
def format(self, format: Union[DecisionRuleFormat, str]):
Format an atomic decision rule into a string.
format (Union[DecisionRuleFormat, str]): the format.
format = DecisionRuleFormat.from_string(format)
is_bool = (self.threshold is None)
if not is_bool:
if format is DecisionRuleFormat.PYTHON:
return f'{self.variable} <= {self.threshold}' if not self.right_branch else f'{self.variable} <= {self.threshold}'
elif format is DecisionRuleFormat.LISP:
return f'(leq {self.variable} {self.threshold})' if not self.right_branch else f'(ge {self.variable} {self.threshold})'
raise ValueError('Unknown format: {}.'.format(format))
if format is DecisionRuleFormat.PYTHON:
return f'not {self.variable}' if not self.right_branch else f'{self.variable}'
elif format is DecisionRuleFormat.LISP:
if self.variable.startswith('(') and self.variable.endswith(')'):
return f'(not {self.variable})' if not self.right_branch else f'{self.variable}'
return f'(not ({self.variable}))' if not self.right_branch else f'({self.variable})'
raise ValueError('Unknown format: {}.'.format(format))
def __str__(self):
return self.format(DecisionRuleFormat.PYTHON)
__repr__ = __str__
class DecisionRule(object):
A decision rule is a pair of (DNF, label).
def __init__(self, clauses: List[List[AtomicDecisionRule]], label: Any, probabilities: Optional[List[float]] = None):
Instantiate a decision formula.
clauses (Sequence[Sequence[AtomicDecisionRule]]): the DNF, represented as a two-level nested list.
label (Any): the output label.
self.clauses = clauses
self.label = label
self.probabilities = probabilities
def format_clause(self, format: Union[DecisionRuleFormat, str]):
format = DecisionRuleFormat.from_string(format)
if format is DecisionRuleFormat.PYTHON:
assert self.probabilities is None, 'Python format does not support probability.'
if len(self.clauses) == 1:
return ('( ' + ' and '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in self.clauses[0]
]) + ' )')
return '(\n ' + ' or\n '.join([
('( ' + ' and '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in clause
]) + ' )')
for clause in self.clauses]) + '\n)'
elif format is DecisionRuleFormat.LISP:
if self.probabilities is not None:
probabilities_str = [
f'{p:.4f} '
for p in self.probabilities
if len(self.clauses) == 1:
return (f'{probabilities_str[0]}(and ' + ' '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in self.clauses[0]
]) + ')')
return '(or\n ' + '\n '.join([
(f'{pstr}(and ' + ' '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in clause
]) + ')')
for pstr, clause in zip(probabilities_str, self.clauses)]) + '\n)'
if len(self.clauses) == 1:
return ('(and ' + ' '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in self.clauses[0]
]) + ')')
return '(or\n ' + '\n '.join([
('(and ' + ' '.join([
atom.format(format) for atom in clause
]) + ')')
for clause in self.clauses]) + '\n)'
raise ValueError('Unknown format: {}.'.format(format))
def __str__(self):
return self.format_clause(DecisionRuleFormat.PYTHON)
__repr__ = __str__
def extract_rule(
decision_tree: DecisionTreeClassifier,
feature_names: Sequence[Any],
boolean_input: Optional[bool] = True,
boolean_output: Optional[bool] = False,
multi_output: bool = False,
) -> Mapping[Any, DecisionRule]:
Extract logic rules (DNF) from a trained DecisionTreeClassifier.
decision_tree (DecisionTreeClassifier): a pre-trained decision tree.
feature_names (Sequence[str]): a list of strings for the features.
boolean_input (Optional[bool]): whether the input features are boolean or not.
boolean_output (Optional[bool]): whether the output features are boolean or not.
multi_output (bool): whether the output features are multi-valued or not. In this case, all possible values
at a leaf node will be registered.
rule_dict (Mapping[Any, DecisionRule]): A mapping from label (strings, integers...) to the corresponding rule.
rule_dict = dict()
true_probabilities = list()
inner = decision_tree.tree_
classes = decision_tree.classes_
if boolean_output:
assert set(classes).issubset([False, True])
if True not in list(classes):
return dict()
tindex = list(classes).index(True)
rule_dict[True] = list()
def dfs(node, rule):
if inner.feature[node] != _tree.TREE_UNDEFINED:
name = feature_names[inner.feature[node]]
threshold = inner.threshold[node] if not boolean_input else None # not used for binary features.
rule_neg = rule.copy()
rule_neg.append(AtomicDecisionRule(name, threshold, False))
dfs(inner.children_left[node], rule_neg)
rule_pos = rule.copy()
rule_pos.append(AtomicDecisionRule(name, threshold, True))
dfs(inner.children_right[node], rule_pos)
if boolean_output:
if multi_output:
for index in inner.value[node][0].nonzero()[0]:
val = bool(decision_tree.classes_[index])
rule_dict.setdefault(val, list()).append(rule)
if inner.value[node][0, tindex] > 0:
val = inner.value[node][0, tindex] / inner.value[node].sum()
if multi_output:
for index in inner.value[node][0].nonzero()[0]:
val = int(decision_tree.classes_[index])
rule_dict.setdefault(val, list()).append(rule)
val = decision_tree.classes_[inner.value[node].argmax()]
rule_dict.setdefault(val, list()).append(rule)
dfs(0, [])
if boolean_output:
rule_dict[True] = DecisionRule(rule_dict[True], True, probabilities=true_probabilities)
for k, v in rule_dict.items():
rule_dict[k] = DecisionRule(v, k)
return rule_dict
del dfs