Source code for jacinle.utils.printing

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/18/2018
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import io
import os
import sys
import collections
import contextlib
import threading
from dataclasses import fields
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Tuple, List, Callable

import numpy as np
from ._termcolor import colored as _colored
from .registry import LockRegistry

    import torch
except ImportError:
    torch = None

__all__ = [
    'stprint', 'stformat', 'kvprint', 'kvformat',
    'PrintToStringContext', 'print_to_string', 'print_to', 'print2format',
    'suppress_stdout', 'suppress_stderr', 'suppress_output',


[docs] def colored(*text: str, sep=' ', color: str = 'unspecified'): if len(text) == 2 and color == 'unspecified': text, color = text[0], text[1] else: text = sep.join([str(t) for t in text]) text = _colored(text, color) return text
[docs] def indent_text(text: str, level = 1, indent_format: Optional[str] = None, tabsize: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Indent the text by the given level. Args: text: the text to be indented. level: the indent level. indent_format: the indent format. If None, use the tabsize. tabsize: the tab size. If None, use the default tab size (2). Returns: The indented text. """ text = str(text) if indent_format is not None: assert tabsize is None, 'Cannot provide both indent format and tabsize.' if tabsize is not None: assert indent_format is None, 'Cannot provide both indent format and tabsize.' indent_format = ' ' * tabsize if indent_format is None and tabsize is None: indent_format = ' ' indent_format = indent_format * level return indent_format + text.replace('\n', '\n' + indent_format)
[docs] def format_printable_data(data, float_format: str = _DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, indent: int = 1, indent_format: str = ' '): """Format the input data. It handles the following types: - numpy array: print the shape and dtype. - torch tensor: print the shape and dtype. - float: print with the given float format. - other types: use str() to print. Args: data: the data to be printed. float_format: the float format. indent: the indent level. indent_format: the indent format. """ t = type(data) if t is np.ndarray: fmt = 'np.ndarray(shape={}, dtype={})'.format(data.shape, data.dtype) if data.size < 100: fmt += '{' + indent_text(str(data), level=indent, indent_format=indent_format).strip() + '}' return fmt if torch is not None and torch.is_tensor(data): fmt = 'torch.Tensor(shape={}, dtype={})'.format(tuple(data.shape), data.dtype) if data.numel() < 100: fmt += '{' + indent_text(str(data), level=indent, indent_format=indent_format).strip() + '}' return fmt elif t is float: return float_format.format(data) else: return str(data)
[docs] def stprint( data, key: Optional[str] = None, indent: int = 0, file: Optional[io.TextIOBase] = None, indent_format: str = ' ', end_format: str = '\n', float_format: str = _DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, need_lock: bool = True, sort_key: bool = True, max_depth: int = 100 ): """Structure print. Example: >>> data = dict(a=np.zeros(shape=(10, 10)), b=3) >>> stprint(data) dict{ a: ndarray(10, 10), dtype=float64 b: 3 } Args: data: data to be print. Currently support Sequnce, Mappings and primitive types. key: for recursion calls. Do not use it if you don't know how it works. indent: indent level. file: the file to print to. indent_format: the indent format. end_format: the end format. float_format: the float format. need_lock: whether to use the lock. sort_key: whether to sort the keys. max_depth: the maximum depth of the recursion. """ from .container import GView if file is None: file = sys.stdout def _indent_print(msg, indent, prefix=None): print(indent_format * indent, end='', file=file) if prefix is not None: print(prefix, end='', file=file) print(indent_text(msg, indent, indent_format=indent_format).lstrip(), end=end_format, file=file) def _inner(data, indent, key, max_depth): t = type(data) if t is tuple: if max_depth == 0: _indent_print('(tuple of length {}) ...'.format(len(data)), indent, prefix=key) return _indent_print('tuple[', indent, prefix=key) for v in data: _inner(v, indent=indent + 1, key=None, max_depth=max_depth - 1) _indent_print(']', indent) elif t is list: if max_depth == 0: _indent_print('(list of length {}) ...'.format(len(data)), indent, prefix=key) return _indent_print('list[', indent, prefix=key) for v in data: _inner(v, indent=indent + 1, key=None, max_depth=max_depth - 1) _indent_print(']', indent) elif t in (dict, collections.OrderedDict, collections.defaultdict, GView): if max_depth == 0: _indent_print('(dict of length {}) ...'.format(len(data)), indent, prefix=key) return typename = t.__name__ keys = sorted(data.keys()) if t is dict and sort_key else data.keys() _indent_print(typename + '{', indent, prefix=key) for k in keys: v = data[k] _inner(v, indent=indent + 1, key='{}: '.format(k), max_depth=max_depth - 1) _indent_print('}', indent) else: _indent_print(format_printable_data(data, float_format=float_format, indent=indent + 1, indent_format=indent_format), indent, prefix=key) try: with stprint.locks.synchronized(file, need_lock): _inner(data, indent=indent, key=key, max_depth=max_depth) finally: del _inner
stprint.locks = LockRegistry()
[docs] def stformat(data, key=None, indent=0, max_depth=100, **kwargs): """Structure format. See :func:`stprint` for more details.""" return print2format(stprint)(data, key=key, indent=indent, need_lock=False, max_depth=max_depth, **kwargs)
[docs] def kvprint( data, indent: int = 0, sep: str = ' : ', end: str = '\n', max_key_len: Optional[int] = None, file: Optional[io.TextIOBase] = None, float_format: str = _DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, need_lock: bool = True ): """Print the key-value pairs. Args: data: the data to be printed. indent: the indent level. sep: the separator between key and value. end: the end format. max_key_len: the maximum length of the key. If None, use the maximum length of the keys. file: the file to print to. float_format: the float format. need_lock: whether to use the lock. """ if len(data) == 0: return with kvprint.locks.synchronized(file, need_lock): keys = sorted(data.keys()) lens = list(map(len, keys)) if max_key_len is not None: max_len = max_key_len else: max_len = max(lens) for k in keys: print(' ' * indent, end='') print(k + ' ' * max(max_len - len(k), 0), format_printable_data(data[k], float_format=float_format), sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=True)
kvprint.locks = LockRegistry()
[docs] def kvformat(data, indent=0, sep=' : ', end='\n', max_key_len=None): """Format the key-value pairs. See :func:`kvprint` for more details.""" return print2format(kvprint)(data, indent=indent, sep=sep, end=end, max_key_len=max_key_len, need_lock=False)
[docs] class PrintToStringContext(object): """A context manager that redirect the print to a string. Example: >>> with PrintToStringContext() as s: ... print('hello') >>> print(s.get()) """ __global_locks = LockRegistry()
[docs] def __init__(self, target='STDOUT', stream=None, need_lock=True): """Initialize the context. Args: target: the target to redirect to. Can be 'STDOUT', 'STDERR'. stream: the stream to redirect to. If None, use a new :class:`io.StringIO`. need_lock: whether to use the lock. """ assert target in ('STDOUT', 'STDERR') self._target = target self._need_lock = need_lock if stream is None: self._stream = io.StringIO() else: self._stream = stream self._stream_lock = threading.Lock() self._backup = None self._value = None
def _swap(self, rhs): if self._target == 'STDOUT': sys.stdout, rhs = rhs, sys.stdout else: sys.stderr, rhs = rhs, sys.stderr return rhs def __enter__(self): if self._need_lock: self.__global_locks[self._target].acquire() self._backup = self._swap(self._stream) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._stream = self._swap(self._backup) if self._need_lock: self.__global_locks[self._target].release() def _ensure_value(self): if self._value is None: self._value = self._stream.getvalue() self._stream.close()
[docs] def get(self) -> str: """Get the string.""" self._ensure_value() return self._value
[docs] def print2format(print_func: Callable) -> Callable: """A helper class to convert a "print" function to a "format" function.""" def format_func(*args, **kwargs): f = io.StringIO() print_func(*args, file=f, **kwargs) value = f.getvalue() f.close() return value return format_func
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_stdout(): """A context manager that suppress the stdout.""" try: fd = sys.stdout.fileno() except io.UnsupportedOperation: yield return def _redirect_stdout(to): sys.stdout.close() # + implicit flush() os.dup2(to.fileno(), fd) # fd writes to 'to' file sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # Python writes to fd with os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), "w") as old_stdout: with open(os.devnull, "w") as file: _redirect_stdout(to=file) try: yield # allow code to be run with the redirected stdout finally: _redirect_stdout(to=old_stdout) # restore stdout.
# buffering and flags such as CLOEXEC may be different
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_stderr(): """A context manager that suppress the stdout.""" try: fd = sys.stderr.fileno() except io.UnsupportedOperation: yield return def _redirect_stdout(to): sys.stderr.close() # + implicit flush() os.dup2(to.fileno(), fd) # fd writes to 'to' file sys.stderr = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # Python writes to fd with os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), "w") as old_stdout: with open(os.devnull, "w") as file: _redirect_stdout(to=file) try: yield # allow code to be run with the redirected stdout finally: _redirect_stdout(to=old_stdout) # restore stdout.
# buffering and flags such as CLOEXEC may be different
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_output(): """A context manager that suppress the stdout and stderr.""" with suppress_stdout(), suppress_stderr(): yield
[docs] def tabulate_dataclass(dataclass_instance, separate_kv: bool = False) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, Any]], Tuple[List[str], List[Any]]]: """Return a list of (field_name, field_value) pairs for the given dataclass instance. Args: dataclass_instance: the dataclass instance. separate_kv: whether to separate the key and value as two lists in the return value. Returns: a list of (field_name, field_value) pairs if separate_kv is False, otherwise a tuple of two lists. """ data_fields = fields(dataclass_instance) if separate_kv: return [ for f in data_fields], [getattr(dataclass_instance, for f in data_fields] return [(, getattr(dataclass_instance, for f in data_fields]