Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/19/2018
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import os
import lmdb
import pickle
from typing import Any, Optional, Iterable

from .base import KVStoreBase
from jacinle.logging import get_logger
from jacinle.utils.cache import cached_property
from jacinle.utils.container import OrderedSet

__all__ = ['LMDBKVStore']

_logger = get_logger(__file__)
_loads = pickle.loads
_dumps = pickle.dumps

[docs] class LMDBKVStore(KVStoreBase): """A LMDB-based key-value store. This class also supports sub-databases. See ``examples/kv-lmdb`` for more usage. Basic usage with a single database: .. code-block:: python kv = LMDBKVStore('/tmp/test_1.lmdb', readonly=False) with kv.transaction(): kv['a'] = 1 kv['b'] = 2 assert 'a' in kv and kv['a'] == 1 assert 'b' in kv and kv['b'] == 2 assert 'c' not in kv for k in kv.keys(): print(k, kv[k]) """ _key_charset = 'utf8' _magic_key = b'__keys__' _magic_main_databse = b'__main_database__'
[docs] def __init__(self, lmdb_path: str, readonly: bool = True, max_dbs: int = 0, keys: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None): """Initialize the LMDBKVStore. Args: lmdb_path: the path to the LMDB file. By default, this path is a directory. readonly: whether to open the LMDB in readonly mode. max_dbs: the maximum number of sub-databases. 0 means the single-database mode. keys: the keys in the main database. For new databases, use None. """ super().__init__(readonly=readonly) self._max_dbs = max_dbs self._open(lmdb_path, readonly=readonly, keys=keys, max_dbs=max_dbs)
def _open(self, lmdb_path, readonly, keys, max_dbs): self._lmdb = lmdb_path, subdir=os.path.isdir(lmdb_path) or not os.path.exists(lmdb_path), readonly=readonly, lock=False, readahead=False, map_size=1099511627776 * 2, max_readers=100, max_dbs=max_dbs ) self._subdbs = dict() self._lmdb_keys = dict() self._is_dirty = dict() if keys is not None: self._lmdb_keys[self._magic_main_databse] = OrderedSet(keys) self._is_dirty[self._magic_main_databse] = True self._is_in_transaction = False @cached_property def txn(self): """The current LMDB transaction.""" return self._lmdb.begin(write=not self.readonly) @property def lmdb(self): """The LMDB environment.""" return self._lmdb
[docs] def get_subdb(self, name=None): """Get a sub-database by name.""" if name is None: return None if name not in self._subdbs: self._subdbs[name] = self._lmdb.open_db(name.encode(self._key_charset), txn=self.txn) return self._subdbs[name]
[docs] def set_dirty(self, db=None): """Set the dirty flag for the given sub-database.""" self._is_dirty[db] = True
def _has(self, key, db=None): self._load_lmdb_keys(db) return key in self._lmdb_keys[db] def _get(self, key, default, db=None): value = self.txn.get(key.encode(self._key_charset), default=default, db=self.get_subdb(db)) value = _loads(value) return value def _put(self, key, value, replace=False, db=None): assert self._is_in_transaction, 'LMDBKVStore does not support put outside transaction.' self._load_lmdb_keys(db) self._is_dirty[db] = True self._lmdb_keys[db].append(key) return self.txn.put(key.encode(self._key_charset), _dumps(value), overwrite=replace, db=self.get_subdb(db)) def _erase(self, key, db=None): assert self._is_in_transaction, 'LMDBKVStore does not support erase outside transaction.' self._load_lmdb_keys(db) self._is_dirty[db] = True self._lmdb_keys.remove(key) return self.txn.pop(key.encode(self._key_charset), db=self.get_subdb(db)) def _keys(self, db=None): self._load_lmdb_keys(db) return self._lmdb_keys[db] def _transaction(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def __enter__(self): self._is_in_transaction = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace): self._is_in_transaction = False if exc_type: self.txn.abort() else: for k, v in self._is_dirty.items(): if v: self.txn.put(self._magic_key, _dumps(self._lmdb_keys[k].as_list()), db=self.get_subdb(k)) self._is_dirty[k] = False self.txn.commit() self.txn = self._lmdb.begin(write=not self.readonly) def _load_lmdb_keys(self, db=None, assert_exist=False): if db in self._lmdb_keys: return dbobj = self.get_subdb(db) keys = self.txn.get(self._magic_key, None, db=dbobj) if assert_exist: assert keys is not None, 'LMDBKVStore does not support __keys__ access' if keys is None: # build the list of keys by traversing the databse keys = OrderedSet() with self.txn.cursor(db=dbobj) as cursor: for k, _ in cursor: keys.append(k.decode(self._key_charset)) self._lmdb_keys[db] = keys self._is_dirty[db] = True if db is None and self._max_dbs > 0 and len(keys) > 0: _logger.warning( 'LMDBKVStore is trying to build a list of keys of an non-empty main database. ' 'This means that the underlying lmdb databse was not created by this class. ' 'Because LMDB internally stores sub databases as links in the main database, this operation will' 'create a union of all keys in the main database and the names of the sub databases. ' 'In most cases this is not what you want.' 'You can use kv._lmdb_keys[None].remove() to remove the names of the sub databases, and then call kv.set_dirty() to trigger auto-commit.' ) else: self._lmdb_keys[db] = OrderedSet(_loads(keys))