Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 02/15/2018
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""Functions to dump Python objects into human-readable formats."""

import io as _io
import json
import functools
import collections
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import yaml
import inspect

from typing import Optional, Any, Iterable, Sequence, List, Dict
from jacinle.utils.meta import dict_deep_kv
from jacinle.utils.printing import stformat, kvformat

from .fs import as_file_descriptor, io_function_registry

__all__ = [
    'pretty_dump', 'pretty_load',
    'dumps_json', 'dump_json', 'loads_json', 'load_json', 'pretty_dumps_json', 'pretty_dump_json',
    'dumps_jsonc', 'dump_jsonc', 'loads_jsonc', 'load_jsonc',
    'dumps_xml', 'dump_xml', 'loads_xml', 'load_xml',
    'dumps_yaml', 'dump_yaml', 'loads_yaml', 'load_yaml',
    'dumps_txt', 'dump_txt',
    'dumps_struct', 'dump_struct',
    'dumps_kv', 'dump_kv',
    'dumps_env', 'dump_env'

[docs] def iter_txt(fd: _io.IOBase, strip: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over lines in a text file. This function will ignore empty lines. Args: fd: a file descriptor. strip: whether to strip the line. """ for line in as_file_descriptor(fd): line_strip = line.strip() if line_strip == '': continue yield line_strip if strip else line
[docs] def loads_json(value: str) -> Any: """Load a JSON object from a string.""" return json.loads(value)
[docs] def loads_jsonc(value: str) -> List[Dict]: """Load a list of JSON dictionaries from a string. This function supports multiple JSON objects in a single string, separated by newlines. Note that this function only support a list of plain dictionaries. Do not use this function to load JSON objects with nested lists or dictionaries. Args: value: a string. Returns: a list of dictionaries. """ strings = value.split('}\n{') ret = [] for i, s in enumerate(strings): if i > 0: s = '{' + s if i < len(strings) - 1: s += '}' ret.append(json.loads(s)) return ret
[docs] def loads_xml(value: str, name_key: str = '__name__', attribute_key: Optional[str] = '__attribute__') -> Dict: """Load an XML object from a string. It will return a dictionary as the root node. For each node, it will have a key named "__name__" as the tag name, and a key "__attributes__" as a dictionary of attributes. Each child node will be a nested dictionary under the root node. If there are multiple child nodes with the same tag name, they will be stored in a list. Args: value: a string. name_key: the key name for the tag name. attribute_key: the key name for the attributes. If set to None, the attributes will be stored in the root node. Returns: a dictionary. """ return _xml2dict(et.fromstring(value), name_key=name_key, attribute_key=attribute_key)
[docs] def loads_yaml(value: str) -> Any: """Load a YAML object from a string.""" return yaml.safe_load(value)
[docs] def dumps_txt(value: Iterable[str]) -> str: """Dump a list of strings into a string, separated by newlines. Args: value: a list of strings. Returns: a string. """ assert isinstance(value, collections.Iterable), 'dump(s) txt supports only list as input.' with _io.StringIO() as buf: for v in value: v = str(v) buf.write(v) if v[-1] != '\n': buf.write('\n') return buf.getvalue()
[docs] def dumps_json(value: Any, compressed: bool = True) -> str: """Dump a JSON object into a string. In addition to the standard JSON format, this function also supports - ``__jsonify__``: an instance method for objects that returns a JSON-serializable object. - For classes, it will store ``__dict__`` as the JSON object. Note that both features can not be preserved when loading the JSON object back. Args: value: the object to dump. compressed: whether to use compressed format. If set to False, the dumped string will be pretty-printed. Returns: a string. """ if compressed: return json.dumps(value, cls=_JsonObjectEncoder) return json.dumps(value, cls=_JsonObjectEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs] def pretty_dumps_json(value: Any, compressed: bool = False) -> str: """Dump a JSON object into a string, with pretty-printing.""" return dumps_json(value, compressed=compressed)
[docs] def dumps_jsonc(value: Iterable[Dict]) -> str: """Dump a list of dictionary into a JSON string, separated by new lines, with compressed format.""" assert isinstance(value, Sequence) ret = '' for v in value: ret += pretty_dumps_json(v) + '\n' return ret
[docs] def dumps_xml(value: Dict, **kwargs) -> str: """Dump an XML object into a string.""" return _dict2xml(value, **kwargs)
[docs] def dumps_yaml(value: Any) -> str: """Dump a YAML object into a string.""" return yaml.dump(value, width=80, indent=4)
[docs] def dumps_struct(value): """Dump a structured object into a string, using :meth:`jacinle.utils.printing.stformat`.""" return stformat(value)
[docs] def dumps_kv(value): """Dump a structured object into a string, using :meth:`jacinle.utils.printing.kvformat`.""" return kvformat(value)
[docs] def dumps_env(value): """Dump a structured object into a string, similar to :meth:`os.environ`.""" return '\n'.join(['{} = {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in dict_deep_kv(value)])
def _wrap_load(loads_func): @functools.wraps(loads_func) def load(file, **kwargs): with as_file_descriptor(file, 'r') as f: return loads_func(, **kwargs) load.__name__ = loads_func.__name__[:-1] load.__qualname__ = loads_func.__qualname__[:-1] return load def _wrap_dump(dumps_func): @functools.wraps(dumps_func) def dump(file, obj, **kwargs): with as_file_descriptor(file, 'w') as f: return f.write(dumps_func(obj, **kwargs)) dump.__name__ = dumps_func.__name__[:-1] dump.__qualname__ = dumps_func.__qualname__[:-1] dump.__doc__ = dumps_func.__doc__.replace('a string', 'a file') return dump load_json = _wrap_load(loads_json) load_jsonc = _wrap_load(loads_jsonc) load_xml = _wrap_load(loads_xml) load_yaml = _wrap_load(loads_yaml) dump_txt = _wrap_dump(dumps_txt) dump_json = _wrap_dump(dumps_json) dump_jsonc = _wrap_dump(dumps_jsonc) dump_xml = _wrap_dump(dumps_xml) dump_yaml = _wrap_dump(dumps_yaml) dump_struct = _wrap_dump(dumps_struct) dump_kv = _wrap_dump(dumps_kv) dump_env = _wrap_dump(dumps_env) pretty_dump_json = _wrap_dump(pretty_dumps_json) for registry in ['load', 'pretty_load']: io_function_registry.register(registry, '.json', load_json) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.jsonc', load_jsonc) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.xml', load_xml) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.yaml', load_yaml) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.yml', load_yaml) for registry in ['dump', 'pretty_dump']: io_function_registry.register(registry, '.txt', dump_txt) if registry == 'pretty_dump': io_function_registry.register(registry, '.json', pretty_dump_json) else: io_function_registry.register(registry, '.json', dump_json) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.jsonc', dump_jsonc) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.xml', dump_xml) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.yaml', dump_yaml) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.yml', dump_yaml) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.struct', dump_struct) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.kv', dump_kv) io_function_registry.register(registry, '.env', dump_env)
[docs] def pretty_load(file, **kwargs): """Load a file with pretty-printing.""" return io_function_registry.dispatch('pretty_load', file, **kwargs)
[docs] def pretty_dump(file, obj, **kwargs): """Dump a file with pretty-printing.""" return io_function_registry.dispatch('pretty_dump', file, obj, **kwargs)
def _dict2xml(d, indent=4, *, root_node=None, root_indent=0, name_key='__name__', attribute_key='__attribute__'): """Adapted from:""" indent_str = '\n' + ' ' * (indent * root_indent) if root_node is None and name_key is not None: root_node = d[name_key] wrap = False if root_node is None or isinstance(d, list) else True root = 'data' if root_node is None else root_node root_singular = root[:-1] if 's' == root[-1] and root_node is None else root xml = '' children = [] if isinstance(d, dict): for key, value in d.items(): if attribute_key is not None and key == attribute_key: continue if name_key is not None and key == name_key: continue if isinstance(value, dict): children.append(_dict2xml(value, indent=indent, root_node=key, root_indent=root_indent+1)) elif isinstance(value, list): children.append(_dict2xml(value, indent=indent, root_node=key, root_indent=root_indent)) else: children.append(indent_str + ' ' * indent + '<' + key + '>' + str(value) + '</' + key + '>') else: for value in d: children.append(_dict2xml(value, indent=indent, root_node=root_singular, root_indent=root_indent+1)) end_tag = '>' if len(children) > 0 else '/>' if attribute_key is not None and attribute_key in d: for key, value in d[attribute_key].items(): xml += f' {key}="{value}"' if wrap or isinstance(d, dict): xml = indent_str + '<' + root + xml + end_tag if len(children) > 0: for child in children: xml = xml + child if wrap or isinstance(d, dict): xml = xml + indent_str + '</' + root + '>' return xml def _xml2dict(element, name_key='__name__', attribute_key='__attribute__'): output_dict = {} if name_key is not None: output_dict[name_key] = element.tag if attribute_key is None: output_dict.update(element.attrib) else: output_dict[attribute_key] = element.attrib if len(output_dict) == 0 and len(element) == 0: return element.text # is a leaf node list_elements = set() for c in element: if c.tag in output_dict and c.tag not in list_elements: output_dict[c.tag] = [output_dict[c.tag]] list_elements.add(c.tag) if c.tag in output_dict: output_dict[c.tag].append(_xml2dict(c)) else: output_dict[c.tag] = _xml2dict(c) return output_dict class _JsonObjectEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Adapted from""" def default(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, '__jsonify__'): json_object = obj.__jsonify__() if isinstance(json_object, (str, bytes)): return json_object return self.encode(json_object) else: raise TypeError("Object of type '%s' is not JSON serializable." % obj.__class__.__name__) if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): d = dict( (key, value) for key, value in inspect.getmembers(obj) if not key.startswith("__") and not inspect.isabstract(value) and not inspect.isbuiltin(value) and not inspect.isfunction(value) and not inspect.isgenerator(value) and not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(value) and not inspect.ismethod(value) and not inspect.ismethoddescriptor(value) and not inspect.isroutine(value) ) return self.default(d) return obj