Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 01/19/2017
# This file is part of Jacinle.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import os
import os.path as osp
import hashlib
import urllib

from .common import fsize_format
from jacinle.utils.tqdm import tqdm_pbar

__all__ = ['download', 'check_integrity']

[docs] def download(url: str, dirname: str, cli: bool = True, filename: str = None, md5: str = None): """ Download URL to a directory. Will figure out the filename automatically from URL. Will figure out the filename automatically from URL, if not given. Args: url: URL to download. dirname: directory to download to. cli: whether to use CLI progress bar. filename: filename to save to. md5: md5 hash to check. Source: """ if cli: from jacinle.cli.keyboard import maybe_mkdir maybe_mkdir(dirname) else: assert osp.isdir(dirname) filename = filename or url.split('/')[-1] path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) def hook(t): last_b = [0] def inner(b, bsize, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner try: with tqdm_pbar(unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=filename) as pbar: path, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, path, reporthook=hook(pbar)) statinfo = os.stat(path) size = statinfo.st_size except Exception: print('Failed to download {}.'.format(url)) raise assert size > 0, "Download an empty file!" print('Successfully downloaded ' + filename + " " + fsize_format(size) + '.') if md5 is not None: assert check_integrity(path, md5), 'Integrity check for {} failed'.format(path) return path
[docs] def check_integrity(filename: str, md5: str) -> bool: """Check data integrity using md5 hashing. Args: filename: path to the file. md5: md5 hash to check. """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False md5o = hashlib.md5() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: # read in 1MB chunks for chunk in iter(lambda: * 1024 * 1024), b''): md5o.update(chunk) md5c = md5o.hexdigest() if md5c != md5: return False return True